Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Home" and a bit of Vesak.

At last! Photos of my place!

My colleagues wonder what I do with my downtime at home. Well, I like to cook so I do that a lot. For example, today, I baked some bread. I've been finding the sandwich bread here very dry compared to what I'm used to so I think I'm going to start baking my own from now on! For this loaf, it's Amish White Bread and it tastes deliciously sweet. MMmmmmmm.
And a couple weeks ago I made my first curry attempt, Chinese/Sri Lankan/Western style!

I've also finally started a Picasa Web Album so I can show you more photos without clogging up this blog. I will post a link for each album I might blog about ... so for this entry, you can find it here.

Since my last blog I'm feeling a bit better again. I did get sick after heading out for that long walk and was down with what I think was stomach flu for 2 days. But, I did promise I would post photos of Vesak so you will find these here!

I did want to highlight a few lanterns though that were entered into their annual lantern competition ... the theme this year was to use as much existing natural sources and recycled material as possible to construct the lanterns.
Lantern made entirely of cardboard!

Incredible detail on this one!

Some smaller ones that were more commonly found around the city. 

Hope you enjoyed it! Cheers until next time!


  1. Wow, those lanterns are gorgeous! And thanks for posting the bread recipe, looks yummy! Do you use a bread pan?

  2. They were! Yes, it was a 9"x5" bread/loaf pan.
